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 S.A.Kutolin Research of thermal synthesis of some connections of a type... An abstract of a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate chemical of sciences To 40-J. of protection (1966-2006??). Kutolin 10/10/2006
S.A.Kutolin Research of thermal synthesis of some connections of a type... An abstract of a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the candidate chemical of sciences To 40-J. of protection (1966-2006??). Kutolin Repondre   Voir l\'en-tete   Transmettre a un collegue   Imprimer
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S.A.Kutolin Research of thermal synthesis of some connections of a type...
An abstract of a thesis on competition of a scientific degree of the
candidate chemical of sciences To 40-J. of protection (1966-2006??).

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